Hi there,
Who need a hero?
You need a hero/ look in the mirror
There go your hero
Five things to share:
If you so badly want to be informed, why don't you read the books? They still have newsletters too. Isn't one subscription enough to know all you need to know with the world?
If you so badly want to know what people are up to, why don't you ask them to dinner and talk to them? They are dying to tell you, to tell anyone who would listen. And if the cats are so cute, go pet some. What the hell is wrong with you?
But that's not why, is it?
It's not about being informed. It's not even about connection. Or cute cat videos. It's about ignoring the simple truth that can potentially save you.
Or, summarized by AI in Wordpress: The monologue
examines the addiction to technology, how it's monopolizing free time, and impeding personal goals. It criticizes the use of social media as a distracting tool from self-reflection and engagement with life. To break free, the author underlines a need for honest self-assessment, serious commitment to offline time, and utilizing tools available to restrict internet usage.
The best self-improvement advice a dear friend of mine gave us recently: “Don’t drag the average down.” I laughed so hard. Your improvement isn’t for you, it’s for the people around you. Also, if you pay enough attention you can learn all you need to learn from the people around you. No internet connection required.
A quote I want to share with you:
A revolution without dancing is a revolution not worth having.
— V/ V for Vendetta
Two things:
On Sunday (November 5th!) I took my solo dolo cute self to the screening of V for Vendetta at my favourite movie theatre in the city. Popcorn for dinner with big screen movie pairs so well; if you’re looking for an “offline” activity that can be enjoyed solo or with someone(s). My phone is boring but just keep your phone off/silent. Fun fact: I do not own TV, I rarely watch movies, shows, etc. but something about theatres I find so much joy in, especially for those evenings when I want to go out and do something but with as little effort as possible. IRL REQUIRES EFFORT!
time spent offline is a revolution. A personal one, but nonetheless, you must have fun with it!!! It has to evoke a sense of joy, excitement, curiosity, wonder, wander, delight. Leave you intoxicated with reality. Otherwise why bother? Why fight against the current just to end up sad, lonely, miserable? Might as well go back to scrolling: Escape. Promise me you’re having all the fun you can manage with your time spent offline. I’m a goofball IRL, I’m having so much fun. I’m dancing to Drake while waiting for the coffee to brew, listening intently— intensely— so I don’t miss the punchline to throw it right back, and all the shows, workshops, drinks, events, and plans I can afford with anyone who would have my company. Scrolling is not required for a good time. IRL IS FUN!
From the archive: Apps won’t cure your loneliness (Sorry, social media followers don’t count.)
I had to stop lying to myself. I love people. I love being around people. I love conversations. That’s why I used to spend so much time on social media: What is everyone saying? That’s why I freaking loved Reddit. The people, anonymous and unreachable, are there talking 24/7/365. I felt connected, with so little effort. I make so much effort to see people now. I have no choice. I can’t in good faith let the apps be my only source of connection. They have profit margins to meet every budget cycle. I want people I can hug, hold, sense their emerging tears, and laughter. It would be nice to be liked from the comfort of my bed, and the notifications are intoxicating, but I look around and I am alone. I don’t trust the apps. Why should you?
A question/challenge for you: You know what to do, why don’t you do it?
P.p.s. time spent offline turns three on Friday, December 1! I could have been anywhere else on the internet but I am glad to be here sharing bits and pieces of my time spent offline journey with you. I’m celebrating with a special announcement email that Friday (and a lil get together that evening with friends to get all the love, likes, commentary, attention and affirmation I crave IRL!) I really adore this tiny corner of the internet and our tiny but mighty personal revolution to get offline. Stay tuned.
That’s all for this week!
Thank you for reading. If you like time spent offline, the Substack newsletter, please consider spending more time offline.
time spent offline is now a monthly analog publication you can get delivered straight to your mailbox with 20 ideas every month.
Until next time,
PS: https://mehretbiruk.com/about/ You misspelled an important word. First paragraph. Makes it really funny, though!
I'm curious: what inspired you to make the shift to Wordpress with your personal site?