deletedMay 25Liked by Mehret Biruk
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I love this, I'm learning this currently. It's beautiful <3

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yesss we have the control of our attention! honestly even social media-less I find myself opening my phone and just staring at it--theres nothing to do on there! Espc on the toilet LOL!. But the biggest thing for me is sometimes we can just be, just exist, without our attention on anything! LAst night i drunk my tea and thought about how amazing it was i'm drinking water from a cloud! tea leaves from across the world! And I will definitely be spenidng more time reading in parks. :)

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Yes, yes, yes! Your comment reminded me of the quote, “Attention pays attention to a lot of things, but when attention pays attention to attention, then there is a stillness, and that stillness introduces you to your Self.”

— Mooji


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