Hi there,
What does it mean when someone follows you on here? I Didn’t Come Here To Scroll.
Five things to share:
Attention creates reality. And my attention creates time spent offline the Substack newsletter; it has done so week after week for 3+ years now. Your attention, week after week for 3+ years now, sustains time spent offline. This tiny corner of the internet with its weekly five ideas to spend less time online and (re)discover the pleasures of the offline world exists solely because you and I— Yes, You and I— have decided it is worthy of our attention; My attention to write, your attention to read. If either of us were to decide today that this, Yes, this, isn’t worthy of our attention anymore, time spent offline the Substack newsletter would cease to exist. Our attention, what Mihaly Csikszentmuhalyi refers to as psychic energy in his book Flow: The Psychology of Optimal Experience (I love the term so much!!!!) creates reality as You and I know it. Without your sustained attention to read, and my ongoing attention to write, this wouldn’t exist. That is what attention does for you, for me; it creates ideas, thoughts, feelings, actions— It creates our reality. With that said, Can I have your attention please?
A quote I want to share with you:
The attention economy and how and why Big Data is hijacking our mind
In the new economy, the most valuable asset we can accumulate is not money, or even knowledge; it is the ability to control our own attention.
A mantra for you: My attention is reserved for important things.
That’s all for this week! I am honoured you have decided this tiny corner of the internet is worthy of your attention.
Thank you for reading, and share with anyone you think may benefit.
time spent offline is now a monthly analog publication you can get delivered straight to your mailbox with 20 ideas every month.
Until next time,
yesss we have the control of our attention! honestly even social media-less I find myself opening my phone and just staring at it--theres nothing to do on there! Espc on the toilet LOL!. But the biggest thing for me is sometimes we can just be, just exist, without our attention on anything! LAst night i drunk my tea and thought about how amazing it was i'm drinking water from a cloud! tea leaves from across the world! And I will definitely be spenidng more time reading in parks. :)