Hi there,
You would think for how much we complain about life we would all feel at ease knowing it will end someday and yet our biggest tragedy is that it ends someday.
Five things to share:
I recently came across a post I wrote on how to host a dinner party. I needed the reminder to go back to making the effort it takes to plan, invite, cook, clean and host dinner for people who’s company I cherish. It’s the best way I have found to spend time offline. If you are wondering what to do with all the time that remains when you go offline:
I turned off my YouTube History so long ago the algorithm gave up on me. This is my YouTube homepage now:
A quote I want to share with you:
In the midst of winter, I found there was, within me, an invincible summer.
— Albert Camus
As summer comes to an end, a gentle reminder that inner peace is the ability to tune into the invincible summer deep within and know you are okay and will always be, no matter what is happening around you.
(Source: The Mountain is You)
This pocket notebook is (slowly) replacing my phone (2023)
I still come across interesting stuff on YouTube somehow. My personal life is organized and processed on paper; from calendar to journaling. So I’m appreciative to find another method for adding more analog processing to my days.
A challenge for you: Pick one of the 100 ways to spend more time offline and commit to doing it. Or, make your own list of 10 ways to spend more time offline and commit.
All advice works, even bad advice, as long as you do the work.
That’s all for this week!
Thank you for reading, and share with anyone you think may benefit.
time spent offline is now a monthly analog publication you can get delivered straight to your mailbox with 20 ideas every month.
Until next time,
My YouTube homepage looks like that now too! I still get pissed off when I see it sometimes, because the message feels coercive: It's like, you can't possibly WANT your watch history turned off, can you? This MUST be a mistake. Change your setting now!
It disturbs me how things that once felt like friendly options are now being pushed on people. Anyway, it only fuels my desire to continue disabling watch history — and to continue spending time offline.
Thanks, as always, for writing your Newsletter. It always a breath of fresh air.
Y'know, I got that same YouTube homepage, my interpretation of it was a sort of blackmail as in "you can't have recommended videos if you don't let us track you".
Now, *personally* I viewed that arrangement as a positive but I still have to assume it's meant to bully people who want privacy into giving it up.