Hi there,
Someone has to say it! Allow me.
Five things to share:
I’m on the Internet. In fact, I write this very newsletter, schedule to publish, and delivery it to your inbox every Tuesday because of the Internet. My job, an absolute dream come true, also requires me to be on the Internet; mostly to send communication emails, save files to shared drives, and search up important information to get my work done. The Internet is also where I look up grocery flyers and recipes, book tickets for shows and museums, and schedule my doctor’s appointments, all from the comfort of my couch. The Internet gets me places too; far and wide— from home to foreign places and back home again. In fact, the Internet is an absolute dream come true. Forgive my naivety, but how did anyone ever live without the Internet? Then, there is the “internet”— lower case, low quality junk. Noise masquerading as information. Swipes pretending to be infatuation. Passive misery making its rounds in the name of social awareness, and discontent fronting for social connection.
Ideas for summer spent offline: Summer reading assignment, accessible adventure, and summer (un)schooling
A quote I want to share with you:
It doesn’t get any less scary. All that happens is that you have less life left. It helps if you do your falling early, and it really helps if you do your reaching early.
— Mary H.K. Choi (source)
It’s my birthday month! A time of reflection as I enter the last bit of my 20s and I have less life left. And boy, did I reach and did I tumble. It sucks how all the clichés become true— 🙄— but it is a wonderful life none the less.
Tik. Tok… Tik. Tok… Tik. Tok…
A challenge for you: Remember how amazing the things you are so used to are: The stars, birds chirping, a cup of coffee in the morning, pretty flowers, a bicycle ride, your spouse, music, sunshine on a clear day.

P.s. the results are in! 58% of you read time spent offline on mobile, and 42% on desktop- about what I anticipated. Personally, I’m a desktop gal. A lil trick I learned: Move all your leisure internet/Internet time to desktop. When you leave the house, while on the go, you are untethered. Bit by bit, it all adds up. (Next poll, I anticipate 100% on desktop *wink wink*)
That’s all for this week!
Thank you for reading, and share with anyone you think may benefit.
time spent offline is now a monthly analog publication you can get delivered straight to your mailbox with 20 ideas every month.
Until next time,