You have no idea how much I needed this newsletter today. As I've continued to develop my coding skills, it's been tempting to figure out how to turn my web apps into something downloadable from a person's phone. It feels like it's a natural progression, right? However, your blog post today reminded me, "Why would I want to create something that would keep someone on their phone more than necessary?"

-cue "oof" meme-

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Ooooo, and for the user, "Why would I want something that would keep me on my phone more than necessary?" It is an easy trap to fall into, a natural progression, in a culture drunken on optimization, maximization, etc.

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omg thanks! Honored to have my article referenced in your newsletter! Dumbphones (and 1's after exclamation points) 4 life !!!!1

Love today's quote, btw. Your newsletter never fails to give me a good dose of things I need to hear :)

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Right back at ya!

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I'm with you on the appreciation for phones helping us directionally-challenged folks. I can't imagine how many wandering hours my GPS and maps app have saved me over the years. Of course, I don't have as many funny getting lost stories to share either. So it evens out I suppose.

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Haha! Can't have your cake and... you win some, you lose some.

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