Thanks for sharing my piece, Mehret! Looking forward to reading yours here later......offline!

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That said, the video had an interesting concept, but definitely could have used a NSFW tag, haha! 😅

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Oct 1, 2022Liked by Mehret Biruk

Love this!

For me, in a perfect world, tech is a neutral tool, as good or as bad as the person using it, not a system that bends users to its own murky goals and dubious values. The workings of social media algorithms are transparent and customizable based on a user's consciously chosen preferences, not on where they direct their attention subconsciously. In a perfect world, the costs of tech are visible up-front: Users pay for the product or service rather than becoming the product or service.

For many of these reasons, I really appreciate Substack! This platform gives me hope that there are real ways to enjoy the benefits of tech (the interpersonal connections, the illuminating information) without the insidious downsides that characterize so many popular platforms today.

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