"Warning: This article might cause emotional discomfort"

Ain't that the truth.

As for your question....

I'm going to condense my email checking down to certain times. This is going to be hard for me, because I struggle with feeling like I need to know what's in my inbox at all times... So. Next to go, I suppose!

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Also, loved the essay, but I have to ask: do you have good success with people clicking through the link to your blog, compared to sharing the post in your actual newsletter?

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According to Substack stats, my blog is usually the second or third link people click on, and my blog gets the most traffic on Tuesdays when I send out my newsletter. I have thought about sharing the articles here, but I like the security of having a platform that I somehow "own," because I pay Wordpress for the space, versus a platform like Substack that is owned by another party and completely out of my control. That's my understanding anyway. I have considered sending out two newsletters a week, another one with just the blog post, but one, that'd be redundant if I am to also post it on my blog, and two I don't want to annoy my readers with two emails a week.

Also, I am very do unto others as... and I really like this format with other newsletters I enjoy because it gives me the option to enjoy bite-sized content but also dive deeper into the links if I wish so. I hope my readers appreciate that and read my blog posts if they are curious enough.

Hope I answered your question!

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Compulsive email checking is a big one for me too! It's gotten to the point where I have kind of accepted it... Let me know how designating time to check email goes. Maybe I'll find inspiration in your journey and attempt it too. Good luck!

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