Hi there,
It’s officially the most wonderful time of the year— spring!!! We survived the darkest winter in 80 years, and with that it’s only up from here. *heart eyes emoji*
Five things to share:
Come to the museum with me, as I wander, wonder, and it occurs to me— many, many, many years later— fall is my least favourite season. So forgettable. In fact, I hate fall: Everything dies. I tolerate winter, adore spring, lavish in the summer months, but fall? I fall apart. It took a night at the museum, alone, undistracted and unhurried, paying attent*my friend calls to invite me for drinks at a gallery right here* for this simple fact of my preference to surface. I wander, I notice, and I wonder: This is time spent offline in a nutshell.
All photos in the above article are first and only take. Good practice for capturing the moment while getting back to reality quick + less photo clutter.
A quote I want to share with you:
wild woman —
do not be afraid
to dance alone.
(the earth has been waiting
for you)”
— From my journal, but also from somewhere on the internet
Exit the supersensorium: The neuroscientific case for art in the age of Netflix
I love it when you share really cool stuff with me. I rarely search anymore but there is still so much good stuff on the internet. Enjoy as much as I did.
A question for you: What can you find out about yourself, undistracted and unhurried?
Do it for the glory.
That’s all for this week!
Thank you for reading, and share with anyone you think may benefit.
time spent offline is now a monthly analog publication you can get delivered straight to your mailbox with 20 ideas every month.
Until next time,
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