Hi there,
Addiction is escapism— Let’s escape better.
Five things to share:
Most of us self-medicate with unhealthy and often compulsive habits to escape unpleasant feelings and emotions: Drinking, overeating, shopping, and of course, spending way too much time on the internet. What if, instead, we got lost in the world of creativity and art whenever we feel anxious or bored? Wouldn't it be wonderful to Self-Medicate with Art instead?
How Art Can Make You Happy by Bridget Watson Payne is a handbook full of insights to help us have an inspiring and less stressful relationship with art. With tips on how to talk about art at cocktail parties, how to look at art without leaving the comfort of your sofa, and how to let art wake you up to the world around you, Watson offers ideas for unlocking a rich and rewarding source of joy in life through art.
What is art really for? Art is propaganda for what really matters; and other things. Enjoy this 5-minute video from The School of Life on five things art might be able to do for us: What is Art for?
A quote I want to share with you:
Art is a way of survival.
— Yoko OnoWhat is it about working with our hands that brings us so much purpose and joy? Is it the tactile sensation? The physicality of manipulating materials? The reward of seeing a solid, tangible result upon the completion of our work? Find out why manual competence makes us feel better, and behave better: The Health Benefits of Working with Your Hands
That’s all for this week!
Thank you for reading, and please share with anyone you think may benefit.
time spent offline is now a monthly analog publication you can get delivered straight to your mailbox with 20 ideas every month.
Until next time,