Hi there,
Less is plenty.
Five things to share:
Once upon a time, I went to high school. One day, while aimlessly walking the hallway, an older gentleman, a substitute teacher, asked me if I wanted to learn how to play Sudoku. Say what now? But I obliged. I had nothing better to do, and it was the polite response. I haven’t stopped playing Sudoku ever since. Before apps became ubiquitous, I scourged for Sudoku puzzles in newsletters, then I played it almost exclusively on the Sudoku app on my phone. Recently, I found a physical set at the thrift-store for $2.97. I prayed it had all the pieces inside as I paid for it and brought it home. My prayer was answered.
Instead of a video, allow me to nudge you towards using alternative media platforms to Big Data this week. I have used Kanopy and Hoopla for a few years now, with free access via my public library; replacing popular streaming platforms. Lately, I have been making more effort to move to Vimeo to replace YouTube. Leave a comment if you have more/better suggestions to share!
A quote I want to share with you:
The aim of life is to live, and to live means to be aware, joyously, drunkenly, serenely, divinely aware.
— Henry Miller
Are you aware? Of (your) reality? Joyously? Drunkenly? Serenely? Divinely?
(Because) Life is short, as everyone knows.
A question for you:
See #3.
That’s all for this week!
Thank you for reading, and please share with anyone you think may benefit.
time spent offline is now a monthly analog publication you can get delivered straight to your mailbox with 20 ideas every month.
Until next time,
Hey M, why are you using Vimeo over Youtube? I never really used Vimeo before