Hi there,
When I first saw the poem pictured above on the subway ride home, with beautiful flowers I bought myself, something in me got completely, wholly freed; I love love. And I decided right there and then from that moment forward, I am always either in love, or in the pursuit of love; by any means necessary, by all means necessary.
Five things to share:
“So,” she says with anticipation and playful smile, and I’m so used to this question, exacerbated, I respond on autopilot, It's so hard to meet men! “What?!” She says as she looks around, “But men are everywhere.” It’s a beautiful summer evening and we’re seated on a patio in the bustling St. Lawerence Market neighbourhood downtown enjoying a glass of wine. I look around and men are everywhere. “And you have the dating apps now,” she continues, “Are you on that?” When she was my age, three decades earlier, there were no apps, no social media, nothing but IRL to meet men, all kinds of men. I clasp my hands and cackle with delight; shaking my head for not realizing this simple fact of life all the times I sat around complaining about how hard it is to meet men, and men are everywhere: Online and offline. I say all that to say, Hinge is what you make it, dating is fun, and love is our greatest pursuit.
Social media is to connection what porn is to sex; ideally, you wanna fuck.
A quote I want to share with you:
Courage is knowing it might hurt, and doing it anyway. Stupidity is the same. And that's why life is hard.
— Jeremy Goldberg
(empty space to skip, enjoy)
A question for you: If you don’t have someone you love, why aren’t you looking? And if you’ve found someone to love, why aren’t you dancing for joy?
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That’s all for this week!
Thank you for reading, and share with anyone you think may benefit.
time spent offline is now a monthly analog publication you can get delivered straight to your mailbox with 20 ideas every month.
Until next time,
good on you for being fearless about LOVE!