If I'm on my phone listening to music or a podcast, is that time spent offline/online?
You'll know it when you feel it
Hi there,
I’m currently in the process of packing and moving, and other wonderful life changes happening. Every 1.5 years I get the itch to change— expand, explore, set off— and life has a way of granting me the means by which to scratch it. In between packing and other ordinary life commitments, and because I chose to, I didn’t get around to writing this week.
Instead, I share with you a lovely conversation I recently had with and Nic DiBella for their podcast on choosing IRL over URL. Three people who care about the same thing get together to talk about said thing and as such conversations often go, it’s thoughtful, insightful, delightful.
Hear the conversation on Apple, Spotify, or wherever you get your podcast.
Expect an Email to Delete or two as well. Unless, of course.
I know you like it. =)
Until next time,