Hi there,
time spent offline turns three today! 🎉
Since talk is cheap, and all writing really is is just blah, blah, blah, blah, blah— trust me, I exhaust myself too— we are taking time spent offline offline. You for real, right? This isn’t just an exercise in theory and speculation. This ain’t a dissertation, baby. If you want to theorize, speculate, philosophize, there are far better places on the internet for that. time spent offline is about… well, it’s about spending time offline. A declaration of what is truly important, what really matters, through your actions. A commitment to reality; your reality.
There are no shortcuts. No gimmicks. There is no magic waiting on the other side of hours spent reading about time spent offline.
You must act.
You must confront reality.
You must get offline.
You must (re)train your brain to adjust to reality.
[But, but, but…]
Nope, sorry. I don’t make the rules, I just live by them. I suggest you do the same.
So, here’s the deal.
For a while now, I have been obsessively thinking about ways to provide you motivation, inspiration, an accountability tool that doesn’t require internet connection. Something that requires you to be offline. To get you to commit to reality, even if it’s for a few minutes today, a couple hours tomorrow, so you can experience for yourself the magic that is IRL.
And, when you let your brain get bored, wander and wonder, it starts coming up with interesting ideas…
Like the ANALOG MUG. (Pictured)
Disclaimer: It’s just a mug. Except, it’s a mug for offline use only. A commitment device. An accountability tool. When the ANALOG MUG is around, the digital must be put away.
Here’s how to use the ANALOG MUG:
Pick your offline adventure.
Pick your beverage of choice. (You can drink wine out of a mug— I promise, there won’t be an ANALOG WINE GLASS)
Enjoy your time spent offline!
Alternatively, you can use the ANALOG MUG to store your drawing pencils, paint brushes, writing utensils, guitar picks, etc., and have it displayed for accountability when you want to disconnect and create. Pair it with a book, your writing project, boardgames, journaling; with company or solo. Use it however you see fit as long as you are using the ANALOG MUG offline.
If you go on your phone, laptop, desktop— anything digital— while you’re using the ANALOG MUG, there is a higher power watching and judging you: YOUR CONSCIENCE.
Here is an example of how I use a mug to stay motivated:

If you really need to check your phone, put away the ANALOG MUG and check your phone.
The goal isn’t perfection. The goal is to use the ANALOG MUG as a commitment device, an accountability tool, to commit to training your brain to start enjoying reality by spending more time in reality. If you do it bit by bit, day after day, you will notice FOMO is fake and life goes on just the same if you go offline for a few hours or even a few days to create, play, and have conversations with the people around you. It’s just uncomfortable because you’re not used to it; get used to it. What awaits you on the other side is far beyond your wildest dreams.
So… That’s what I came up with one random afternoon wandering and wondering about how to keep you accountable to take action. Because what matters is what you do, not what you say you will do or what you read about doing.
You can purchase the ANALOG MUG here.
FYI, I’m not Amazon. I’m just a regular gal with a 9 to 5 trying to do good for the world on the side. Think of this as a person that cares about getting you offline mailing you a gift… that you paid for. Expected shipment date is December 9, 2023. I will send you a confirmation email when your mug is on its way.
P.s. Please, only purchase the ANALOG MUG if you are serious, like really fucking serious, about using it offline. If you just want a mug, there are far better places on the internet and offline you can purchase much nicer mugs from. I don’t want to sell mugs. I have a 9 to 5 with great benefits, books I need to write, and people that love me I need to spend more time with; I don’t need to sell mugs on the internet for money. I just want you to experience the joys of time spent offline by spending more time offline. I promise once you get used to being offline you will never want to come back here. In fact, you don’t even need to purchase this mug. Get a mug from your kitchen and declare it the ANALOG MUG for offline use only: Your commitment is the only thing required.
P.s.s. I’m also working on an analog version of time spent offline, the Substack newsletter! I still like to blah, blah, blah, blah, blah. :P Easier and quicker to type it on here, much harder to do it offline. But I’m looking for more reasons to be offline— to get you offline.
P.s.s.s. time spent offline, the Substack newsletter, will remain as is! Five ideas delivered right to your inbox. Every Tuesday.
That’s all for today!
Thank you for spending all or parts of the past three years with me on this tiny corner of the internet. I have had so much fun sharing my time spent offline adventures with you every week. I hope you have had just as much fun reading, and going on your own offline adventures.
Thank you for your time. Thank you for your attention.
If you would like to get the ANALOG MUG, you can purchase one below.
Until next time,
time spent offline is now a monthly analog publication you can get delivered straight to your mailbox with 20 ideas every month.
Hey Mehret! This mug is great! I have been contemplating making a mug myself for scroll santy! very much procrastinating on actually getting it done, though... What website did you use to design it and have it made? Also, an analog version of the newsletter sounds cool. Did you see that Jose Briones is printing a Q1 version of his newsletter? love all these great ideas :)
Very nice. I have been reading this newsletter in my email for a while, and made an account on substack to comment. i aspire to spend my life offline as well.
P.S. in the part where u mentioned using ur phone/laptop while using the mug, i think its fair if u are offline on it (eg: journalling in a word processor)