Hi there,
How are you? Someone loves you today. ♡
Five things to share:
I love it here. No, not here here but this little life of mine that the world said was impossible. Impossible to disconnect, impossible to unplug, impossible to spend time offline. And do what? Too late, they all shrugged, this is life now. Well, this is now life for me and seven years later there is no going back. I have made my bed and I must celebrate.
I love this so much, in absolute terms: things i want more of... and a carousel of what's been bringing joy from Chinyere’s The Conflicted Womanist newsletter.
Story time:
introduced me to Substack back in 2020. I needed the then-simplicity of Substack to finally start a newsletter; before the app, the Chat, and the Notes. Without her, time spent offline might not exist. (Yes, the Substack newsletter) Thank you, Chinyere, for the inspiration, for the love you show for this tiny corner of the internet, and also for your bell hooks series, I seriously needed that so so much.A quote I want to share with you:
I hope you live a life you’re proud of. And if you find that you’re not, I hope you have the strength to start all over again.
― F. S. Fitzgerald
And, as Maya Angelou put it, “I say, trust life a little bit.”
(A reader’s submission, thank you!)
A question for you: What do you celebrate about time spent offline? Or, what do you want more of? Tell the earth, the gods are listening.
Oh and funny story,
That’s all for this week!
Thank you for reading, and share with anyone you think may benefit.
time spent offline is now a monthly analog publication you can get delivered straight to your mailbox with 20 ideas every month.
Until next time,
I LOVE LOVE LOVE this post Mehret — I feel like we’re kindred spirits 💖 keep up the incredible writing and advocacy
Mehret! Thank you so much 🤎. I learn so much from you with what you’ve created here! I look forward to continuing 🤎