Hi there,
Let me humble-brag first.
Since I’m rarely online these days, I feel so disconnected from the internet to search and find quality articles to share with you on a weekly basis; and it’s starting to feel tedious. In a way, I’m very pleased to have finally achieved my desire to spend most of my days unplugged, away, offline. What do I do instead? Tinker with words, bother people to spend time with me, and go out and wander. It ain’t much but I’m trying. I feel too lazy to be on the internet.
In the past two weeks, I have read two brilliant essays shared by you (this and that) and it got me thinking, why not make article sharing (#4) reader-supported? Between all of us, we can manage to find high-quality, compelling, and diverse writings making the case for disconnecting, unplugging, and digital minimalism to share with time spent offline: 100’s of minds are better than one.
Reader-supported knowledge sharing.
So, dear reader, look through your bookmarks, Pocket app, Substack reader, etc. and send me a link to ONE, or more, of your most favourite, thought-provoking articles related to all things time spent offline to share with this tiny corner of the internet. Hit reply to this email or email me at mehretbiruk[at]gmail[dot]com. I’ll add a reminder to our weekly post every few months or as-needed basis.
No pressure.
If/when there are no most-loved, most-cherished articles to share, I will leave #4 an empty space— to honour having (space) in a sea of digital content.
Cool? Cool, cool, cool.
As a thank you:
Until next time,
time spent offline is now a monthly analog publication you can get delivered straight to your mailbox with 20 ideas every month.