Hi there,
I started this journey, time spent offline, to find out— I needed to find out— if it was still possible to live well, and to live broadly, without social media, without the news, without time spent in constructed online realities. I’m happy to report it’s still very possible, and more importantly, it is much preferable.
Five things to share:
20 lessons, realization, tips, tools and tricks from 24 hours spent in reality without my tech gadgets.
Quality Escape: I woke up pretty sick Friday. Unable to go outside and with no access to internet time sinks (think social media, forums, YouTube, etc.), I put on music and wrote 9 pages of personal reflections in my journal, and when that got boring, I watched three movies: Preparations to be Together for an Unknown Period of Time; Wobble Palace; and A Good Woman— unexpectedly hilarious!
Lord Darlington: I like America. Name me another society that's gone from barbarism to decadence without bothering to create a civilization in between. Tuppy: A tribute to American efficiency.
After 7+ years of effort, the internet has become my last resort for passing time even when I have nothing better to do; anything but the internet, please. I can almost imagine what life must have been like before smartphones and portable internet, and it is so much better.
A quote I want to share with you:
“What did you do as a child that made the hours pass like minutes? Herein lies the key to your earthly pursuits.”
―C.G. Jung (From Austin Kleon’s Office Hours)
Deleting Delusions: Why I finally quit social media
Read it in chunks if you must, if your attention span is too short for such lengthy post (I know, I know) but please read it. So many important considerations.
Thank you, David, for sharing!
A question for you: See #3. Or, if you had 24 hours to live, how would you spend it? Consider living accordingly. Or, or, A personal resolution for you: Notice more. (Source)
P.s. Expect another email from me sometime this week with an ask, a small favour, for time spent offline. (Read: not for me!) I thought I’d at the very least give you a heads up before cluttering your inbox with an additional email you didn’t sign up for. Your inbox, and your attention by extension, is sacred. Or maybe I’m just extra. >,<
That’s all for this week!
Thank you for reading, and share with anyone you think may benefit.
time spent offline is now a monthly analog publication you can get delivered straight to your mailbox with 20 ideas every month.
Until next time,
oo and love YMMV! this is great.
I love everything about this so much! especially this line: no digital pacifier to quiet the deafening silence. Digital pacifier! yes, what a great term. and i am so intrigued about the digital mininmalism meetup group! sounds like a lovely & thoughtful group of people...